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A Subscription registers a Function to be invoked for every Event flowing through the Service that matches a selection criteria.

Subscribe to an Event

You can subscribe to events by calling the subscription function, passing an array of events to listen for and a callback function for processing events:

import { subscription } from "@eventual/core";

export const onMyEvent = subscription(
events: [myEvent, ..],
async (event) => {
await processEvent(event);

Customize Runtime Properties

You can configure memorySize, handlerTimeout and retryAttempts on the subscription directly.

events: [myEvent, ..],
memorySize: 512,
handlerTimeout: duration(1, "minute"),
retryAttempts: 3
async (event) => {
await processEvent(event);

These values are then the default configuration when deployed. You can further customize these values in your infrastructure code if you desire (e.g for a dev environment):

new Service(this, "Service", {
subscriptions: {
onMyEvent: {
memorySize: 1024,
handlerTimeout: duration(2, "minute"),
retryAttempts: 6,

These layers of business logic and infrastructure code also apply to Commands and Tasks.

Dead Letter Queue

Each Subscription gets its own dedicated SQS Dead Letter Queue. You can find this queue in your infrastructure code:

const service = new Service(..);

// a reference to the subscription's dead letter

You can also substitute your own SQS queue if you prefer:

import { aws_sqs } from "aws-cdk-lib";

const mySubstituteQueue = new aws_sqs.Queue(this, "MyQ");

new Service(this, "Service", {
subscriptions: {
onMyEvent: {
deadLetterQueue: mySubstituteQueue,

If you go to your deployed Stack in CloudFormation, you can see a list of all Subscriptions and their associated Dead Letter Queue and Handler Function.

Expand to see

Runtime Behavior

  1. un-ordered
  2. one-at-a-time
  3. at-least-once .


It is not guaranteed that events will be processed in the order they are emitted.

One at a Time

Events are delivered to a subscription one at a time. There is no batching mechanism.

At Least Once Delivery

Events are delivered to the function at least once. Failures are re-driven according to the retry policy.


Your code should be defensively programed against duplicates, however rare.