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The Eventual CLI, available in @eventual/cli, provides a Command Line Interface for interacting with Services deployed with Eventual.


npm install --save-dev @eventual/cli

AWS Profile

The AWS Profile is used by the Eventual CLI to authenticate and authorize your access to AWS resources. By default, it uses the current AWS profile and credentials in your environment. However, you can also specify a different AWS profile by setting the AWS_PROFILE environment variable before running the commands. For example:

AWS_PROFILE=[your profile] eventual get service

Service Selection

The Eventual CLI allows you to specify which service to use for commands that require a service name. If your AWS account has multiple services deployed, you will need to specify which service to use. There are two ways to do this:

  • Use the --service flag when running a command that requires a service name. For example: eventual list workflows --service myService. You can see a list of available service names by running eventual list services.
  • Set the EVENTUAL_DEFAULT_SERVICE environment variable to specify the default service to use. This will be used for all applicable commands unless overridden with the --service flag.


eventual list     List executions, workflows, or services.
eventual get Get or show an execution, service, timeline, history, logs,
or the cli configuration. [aliases: show]
eventual send Send signals
eventual emit Emit events
eventual replay Replay executions
eventual start Start a workflow


eventual list executions  List executions of a service, or optionally, a workf
eventual list workflows List workflows of a service
eventual list services List Eventual services


The list executions command retrieves a list of ongoing or completed workflow executions based on the specified filters. It takes an optional --workflow flag, which can be used to filter the results by the name of the workflow.

For example, to retrieve a list of all executions of the myWorkflow workflow, you can use the following command:

eventual list executions --workflow myWorkflow


The services command is an easy way to view all of the services that are deployed in your AWS account. It provides a list of service names, which can be useful if you have multiple services in your account and need to determine which one you want to use for a particular command.

eventual list services


eventual get execution <execution>  Get data about an execution
eventual get history Get execution history
eventual get logs Get logs for a given service, optionally f
iltered by a given workflow or execution
eventual get service [service] Get data about your service
eventual get config Returns all configuration properties and t
heir values [aliases: configuration]
eventual get timeline Visualize execution history


The execution command retrieves information about a specific workflow execution identified by its executionId. When invoked, it prints details about the execution such as its current status and the result if it has completed.

For example, the following command retrieves information about the execution with the ID myExecutionId:

eventual get execution myExecutionId


To fetch granular history data for a specific execution, use the history command and pass the --execution flag with the execution's ID. For example:

eventual get history --execution myExecutionId

This will retrieve a detailed event log for the specified execution, which can be used to view the progress and actions taken within the execution. The log will include information such as the event type, time, and any relevant data.


The info command displays key information about your service, including the API endpoint (used to access the service from other services) and the event bus ARN (used to send events to the service). You can use it as follows:

eventual show service


The logs command allows you to retrieve service logs for a specific service. You can filter the logs by specifying a workflow or execution using the --workflow or --execution flag, respectively. Here's an example of how to use the logs command:

# Retrieve all logs for the service
eventual get logs

# Retrieve logs for a specific workflow
eventual get logs --workflow myWorkflow

# Retrieve logs for a specific execution
eventual get logs --execution myExecutionId

emit events

The emit events command allows you to emit events to the service. You can pass the event ID as the 3rd argument flag and specify the event payload as a string or file with the --payload flag or --payloadFile flag. Alternatively, you can pipe STDIN with the <<< operator.


# Emit an event with JSON payload specified in the command line
eventual emit events <eventId> --payload '{ someJson: "value" }'

# Emit an event with JSON payload from a file
eventual emit events <eventId> --payloadFile "path/to/file.json"

# Emit an event with JSON payload from stdin
eventual emit events <eventId> <<< cat "path/to/file.json"

replay execution

The replay command allows you to replay an execution locally. This can be useful for debugging purposes, as it allows you to set breakpoints in your workflow code and step through the execution in a debugger.

To use the replay command:

  1. Specify the ID of the execution you want to replay.
  2. (Optional) Use the VSCode debugger terminal to set breakpoints and step through the execution. To do this, open the debugger terminal by pressing cmd/shift-P (mac) or ctrl/shift-P (windows) and selecting "debug terminal", set breakpoints in your workflow code, and run the replay command in the debugger terminal.


eventual replay execution myExecutionId

send signal

To send a signal to a running execution, use the send-signal command and specify the signal to send in the 3rd argument, and the execution to send it to using the --execution flag. You can also provide an optional payload with the signal with the --payload or --payloadFile flags, or by piping STDIN.

Here are some examples of how to use the send signal command:

# Send a signal with a JSON payload specified inline
eventual send signal mySignal --execution myExecutionId --payload '{ someJson: "value" }'

# Send a signal with a JSON payload specified in a file
eventual send signal mySignal --execution myExecutionId --payloadFile "path/to/file.json"

# Send a signal with a JSON payload passed in through stdin
eventual send signal mySignal --execution myExecutionId <<< cat "path/to/file.json"

start workflow

The start command allows you to start a workflow execution. You need to specify the workflow to start using the --workflow flag and an optional input with --input, --inputFile or via STDIN.

# Start a workflow execution and pass in the input data as an argument to the workflow function
eventual start workflow myWorkflow --input '{ myValue: "value" }'

# Alternatively, you can specify the input data using a file path
eventual start workflow myWorkflow --inputFile "path/to/file.json"

# Or use STDIN redirection to pass in the input data from a file
eventual start workflow myWorkflow <<< cat "path/to/file.json"

Use --follow to watch a workflow while it runs.

eventual start workflow myWorkflow --follow

show timeline

Launches a timeline UI showing events in the workflow execution while running or on completion.

eventual show timeline --execution myExecutionId

list workflows

To list the workflows in a service, you can use the workflows command. It takes no additional arguments and simply prints a list of the workflows in the current service. Here's an example of how to use it:

eventual list workflows

This command is useful for quickly finding the names of the workflows that you can use with other commands, such as start or executions. It can also be used to get a general overview of the workflows in your service.

show config

Shows current environment configurations.

$ eventual show config
│ Env │ Description │ Value │
│ EVENTUAL_DEFAULT_SERVICE │ Default Service used for eventual commands when │ │
│ │ --service is not provided. │ │

Use EVENTUAL_DEFAULT_SERVICE to set a default service when there are multiple in the current AWS account.