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End-to-End Safety

Eventual is designed to provide an end-to-end type-safe and schema-safe experience for building distributed systems with TypeScript.

  • Type-Safety can catch simple errors all the way from a: consumer of a frontend → service implementation → infrastructure configuration.
  • Schema-Safety ensures valid data is passed to APIs and Events by either attaching schemas to an API Gateway or performing runtime validation internally.


Frontend → Service

With the ServiceClient, you can call Commands directly from your frontend (or another service) without generating code.

Import the types of your backend, create a ServiceClient and start calling commands.

import type * as MyService from "@my/service";

const client = new ServiceClient<typeof MyService>({
serviceUrl: "your-url",

// type-safe interaction with commands (no code gen)
await client.hello("my name");

See the ServiceClient documentation for usage details.

Service → Infrastructure

The same goes for when you’re configuring infrastructure. Import the types of the backend and then safely customize and integrate with each of the pieces of generated infrastructure.

import type * as MyService from "@my/service";

const service = new Service<typeof MyService>(this, "Service", {
commands: {
// safely configure any of the commands
hello: {
environment: { .. }

// safely access any generated infrastructure

// such as the hello Command's Lambda Function

// or a Subscription's dead letter queue


Eventual integrates with Zod for defining schemas.

Schemas can be attached to Commands

export const helloCommand = command(
input: z.string(),
output: z.string(),
async (name) => `hello ${name}`

... and Events.

export const helloEvent = event(
name: z.string(),

These schemas are then used to generate specifications such as JSON Schema and Open API and perform runtime validation.